United Kingdom, 1st July: It has become mandatory for all landlords in the UK to check the immigration status of their tenants.
Immigration status check mandatory for UK tenants—Immigrants living in the UK as tenants will be facing …
Canada, US, Australia, UK Immigration, Study Visa, Travel Visa, Business Visa, Settlement Services
Canada, US, Australia, UK Immigration, Study Visa, Travel Visa, Business Visa, Settlement Services
United Kingdom, 1st July: It has become mandatory for all landlords in the UK to check the immigration status of their tenants.
Immigration status check mandatory for UK tenants—Immigrants living in the UK as tenants will be facing …
Working in foreign countries is a dream for many. Especially with technological developments, the opportunities only seem to be hiking. Many websites and other sources consist of several portals, displaying vacancies for jobs in and around the world. But, the …
... Read MoreCareer in Canada is certainly one of the best choices. If you want to settle down with a good job, then Canada jobs provide you with a number of opportunities that you could make use of, but in the right …
... Read MoreUnited States, 6th June: Walt Disney has laid off 250 people and hired H-1B visa workers.
Yes, that’s true. 250 Walt Disney workers have been replaced by US H-1B visa workers.
Walt Disney replaces 250 employees with H-1B visa …
United Kingdom, 11th May: The UK will get compelled to accept more Mediterranean migrants as the EU backs quota system.
This means immigration will become more poisonous now as the new quota system becomes effective.
EU planning to allow …
A final interim H2B visa program and a final wage rule for a Temporary Guest Worker (TGW) have been issued jointly by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL).
The H2B program is primarily used …
... Read MoreAustralia, 5thMay: Latest Australia Immigration proposal could mean a price-based immigration process soon.
Under a plan, Australia may be charging entry fees for allowing foreigners to come here.
Price-based Australia immigration?—The federal government is exploring a price-based immigration …
India, 2nd May: India has added 31 additional nations to its e-tourist visa scheme.
From 1st May, 2015, India has extended its e-tourist visa facility to 31 additional nations.
e-tourist visas from 1st May: The government of …
The Supreme Court has ruled against the Quebec government’s decision to bring in changes to certain policies in the Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSWP). The QSWP is a Canadian immigration program that is based on points assessed according to various …
On April 30th 2015, a new set of regulations would come into effect, changing the present Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) criteria for the Temporary Foreign Workers (TFW). The TFW work permit duration has been shortened and a cap …
British Columbia (BC) will soon have lots of job vacancies opening up in various professions in the coming decade as more and more of the working population nears retirement.
Given below is the list of 10 jobs that are in …
... Read MoreWhen the new “4in-4out” policy, introduced by the Canadian authorities to stop the misuse of the Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) visa, comes into effect on 1st of April 2015, thousands of TFWs and their families would be in a …