IRCC to Make Citizenship Oath Possible Online Without the Presence of a Citizenship Judge

IRCC to Make Citizenship Oath Possible Online Without the Presence of a Citizenship Judge
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has recently declared that they have proposed new amendments to the Citizenship Regulations which will allow some relaxations regarding the citizenship oath ceremony. From 1947, the ceremony of the citizenship oath has been a crucial step for becoming a Canadian citizen where the applicant is required to take a solemn vow about following Canadian law. This oath is to be taken in front of a citizenship judge.
Although previously, there have been provisions to take the vow in virtual media, now with the new changes, there can be the possibility of taking the solemn vow on their own through the online mode. For this, there will be no need to take the vow in the presence of a citizenship judge. The new provisions are supposed to be in effect from June 2023.
While the process will be done without the presence of authorized personnel, one will be required to sign online for this self-administration of the oath. It is one of many changes which are being included so that immigration and citizenship backlogs can be speedily processed without much hassle. According to IRCC, these changes will reduce three months of time from the whole processing of the citizenship application which usually takes 24 months to complete.