Gaining Work Permits in Canada through the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) Program.

Gaining Work Permits in Canada through the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) Program.
Among many ways, a foreigner can get a work permit in Canada is the Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) program. In this program, the individual will be able to work in the Canadian branch of a multinational company or a parent company, or an affiliate of the foreign company the individual has been working for. The best thing about the ICT program is that it will not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). However, according to the criteria, the work of the individual requesting the permit has to be “managerial, executive, or involving specialized knowledge”.
Discussions in 30 Seconds hideTo be able to apply for this work permit, you must be an employee of an MNC in a foreign country wanting to gain work experience in Canada. Moreover, the company you are being transferred to has to have a legitimate relationship as a subsidiary or affiliate of the foreign company.
Also, you must have at least one year of experience, working in a similar job position, in the last three years. In case you have been a part-time employee or the company had a recent merger or acquisition, there will be other factors to examine your eligibility.
Besides the big multi-national companies, this program can also be utilized by start-up company employees for gaining one-year temporary work permits, given the company remains in business with the Canadian branch. Moreover, the company also has to prove its capability to support the managerial and executive positions only for which these work permits are provided.