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How To Land Your First Marketing/Advertising Job in Canada?

Marketing/Advertising Job in Canada

Marketing/Advertising Job in Canada

When it comes to finding a job in the marketing or advertising industry, it is always landing the first one that seems most intimidating. Well, one must start somewhere, right? In Canada, there are plenty of opportunities in these sectors for new immigrants, especially if you have some experience. You just need to know how the whole process works. Let’s dig in!

Where Do you want to work?

The very first thing that you need to be clear about is setting your goals. If you have already worked in a marketing role before that is a good thing. Judge your experiences and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. That will give you a clear idea of whether you want to join a different team or go higher up in your own field.

Doing some freelancing work in social media advertising may also help you understand your potential. Also, be realistic when you dream. A top role would not be difficult to get but also can cause a lot of extra stress that you won’t be able to handle.

Build Your Resume

While all resumes do not and should not look the same, there are some things that all resumes must need. Starting from the obvious ones like your contact details and educational qualifications, make sure to focus more on the skills that are related to advertising or marketing.

For example, talk more about your experience in using Adobe Photoshop and video editing software. Most of these apps are widely used in this industry, so you better be focused on those. Finally, highlight the work experiences that are valuable to the role you are applying to. Cut the clutter that distracts the recruiter from your value to fill the current job position.

Optimize Your LinkedIn

Remember that LinkedIn is simply not a social media platform to repost your resume. You should obviously keep a professional tone there. At the same time, coupling your work experiences with a little bit of personality would help you in long run in showing your passion for the work. The headline and the job titles on the Linkedin profile are the crucial things to optimize. Use the job roles as your keywords to draw the attention of the recruiters.

How to Make a Great Portfolio

A great portfolio is a mixture of quality and quantity, showing off your quality work while suggesting your experience in the industry. To land a good advertising job, your previous works should represent your creativity, showcasing your ability to tell a story. Moreover, you must focus on the visuals to indicate your aesthetic that is not only trendy but also innovative. Try to make a website portfolio using Wix or WordPress, saving recruiters from the hassle of downloading large files.

Networking Really Helps

Being a part of the marketing industry, your core responsibility would be to interact with people and draw their attention to yourself. Therefore, a good network of people not only helps you find a job but tells a lot about your capability to influence others. Volunteering for projects at places like the Interactive Advertising Bureau of Canada and the Canadian Marketing Association or asking industry seniors to advise you on something is a great way to start networking.

How to Apply

So now that you are ready with your resume and portfolio, let us get into the application procedure. Firstly, after you qualify for an application and are called for the interview, you should evaluate that particular job application to understand what caught the recruiter’s eye. Also, follow up on the applications to make sure the recruiter has received your application. Cold emailing works efficiently if you can sound confident in stating what are your thoughts on their company and how do you intend to contribute.

Passing the Interview

After networking, it is during the interview you get to promote your personality traits relevant to the advertising or marketing industry. Some of the key questions that you should know the answers to are concerning your outlook on the company, previous work experience, and how you distinguish yourself from the crowd in terms of both skills and innovation.

Therefore, following these steps, you will surely be able to land an advertising/marketing job in Canada. Moreover, always emphasize your soft skills by demonstrating rather than simply stating them. Also, in case you are applying for a job in Quebec or any other French-speaking province, make sure your French is impressive.

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