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What Are The Salaries in Poland for Different Professionals?


Are you contemplating a job switch in Poland? It is one of the highly developed countries of Europe offering lucrative jobs. The fast-paced economy and generation of employment indicate Poland as one of the finest countries with better job prospects. The survey conducted by Euro stat has indicated a dip in unemployment rates from 3.8% in January 2019 to 2.9% in January 2020. The favorable labor market is gaining strength and projects, Poland as being the second-best country among the EU member states. Poland is a great choice as it has wide-ranging jobs on offer and an opportunity to enjoy improved income levels.

What is the Minimum Salary Wage in Poland?

Poland legally provides the employees with a minimum wage set by the government. This labor law provides security to the worker and aids in minimizing poverty. It ensures the wages cannot be reduced more than the proposed minimum wages. The law curbs the practice of employers exploiting their workers. The minimum wage is fixed annually. The minimum wages have been rising steadily from 2,100pln in 2018 to 2600pln in 2019. An acceleration of employment is forecasted as in 2020 the minimum wages increased by 15.6% and estimated to rise to 4000pln by 2024. The government maintains a strict check on employers who do not adhere to the prescribed minimum wages and duly punish the lawbreakers. The minimum daily hours of work are fixed at 8 hours. The gross minimum hourly rate of work is increased from 14.70pln to 17pln. The weekly hours are calculated at 40hours a week. The employer can assign work for 6 hours a day and the employee has a right to an interval of 15 minutes included in the work period.  

Are you thinking about moving to Poland and don’t know how much you can earn?

The Salaries in Poland Depend on the Following Factors-

  1. i) The skilled, highly experienced professionals earn a higher salary. These include candidates having knowledge of foreign languages and highly qualified. 
  2. ii)  The city in which you apply matters greatly related to earnings. Warsaw is one of the cities providing attractive salary packages. The labor market is progressive. A study by the Central Statistical Office shows the average salary in 2019 amounted to 5,169pln. Large cities of Warsaw, Gdansk, and Katowice enjoy attractive high salaries.

iii) The reputation of the company you apply for employment and the lifestyle you desire to maintain has an effect on the salary. Prospective employees earn a high salary and any amount above the average is considered an above-average salary.

iv)In Poland earning the minimum salary wage in the initial months of employment is reasonable as the living standards in Poland are moderate and one can easily manage without any hassles.

Poland wants to recruit in the field of construction, manufacturing, transport, catering, healthcare, finance, and IT professionals.

A Brief Glance at Some of the Sectors Providing an Average Monthly Gross Salary in Poland:

The highest in the IT and communication sector averaging at 9,083pln and the lowest in the catering and service sector 3,939pln. The other sectors being construction, industry, administration and support transport vary bet


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