Will COVID-19 Pandemic Affect Number Of Immigrations To Nova Scotia In 2020?

Will COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Number Of Immigrations In Nova Scotia In 2020?
Last year Nova Scotia was at the forefront welcoming a large number of immigrants and went on to make a record. Naturally, the expectations for 2020 were quite high. The authorities in Canada expected the number of immigrations to break the record of 2019. However, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing travel restrictions it is not sure whether the province will be open to more immigrants as compared to last year.
Immigration Process Continues As Staff Works Remotely
Last year Nova Scotia gave permanent residency to 7,580 immigrants breaking the previous 2018 year record of 5,970. At the start of the year the province was off to a good start and the way the process of immigration was picking up pace, the authorities thought that a new record will be set in 2020. The Immigration Minister of the province Lena Metlege Diab revealed that in the first quarter the province welcomed 1,185 permanent residents which were a bit less than 1,270 permanent residents admitted in the first quarter of 2019.
But the province hoped that with the things picking up by the third quarter they will be on the verge of a new record of welcoming immigrants this year. But close down due to COVID-19 has certainly come in the way. However, the immigration minister is still positive about the entire situation and believes that it is too early to say anything about it because another half of the year is still there.
Advantage For Essential Workers
Diab said, “Going on eight weeks now, and immigration is a long-term process, it takes months for people, once they’re approved and so on to land in the country, so at the moment we don’t see that as an issue.”
She believes that things can worsen if the pandemic continues to affect for months together but at present, they are continuing the immigration application process as the staff is working remotely. Canada is currently focusing on welcoming skilled laborers and essential workers and hence the province is prioritizing the applications of truck drivers and health-care professionals.
Currently, the country is facing a shortage of essential workers which is why people in this profession have a better chance of getting a nod for their application.
Immigration Predictions For 2020
According to experts, the province of Nova Scotia has developed as a major immigration hub in the last five years. That is why even though the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down the immigration activities, it is less likely that the province will lose on its number of immigrations this year. Many believe that even though they may not exceed the number of immigrations of last year, they will still be almost near 2019.
And the main reason for this is that over the years the number of people wanting to immigrate to Nova Scotia has grown and the interest continues to rise.