Part-time jobs in Canada that pay off well

Part-time jobs in Canada that pay off well
It’s a dream for many to live extravagantly in the most happening city of Canada. As the living cost has shot up to a great extent in recent years, an additional source of income along with the regular job might be necessary to live that dream life. Even if your daily job keeps you occupied throughout the day, you could still earn an extra income by doing a part-time job in the evening.

There are various websites like Indeed and Wowjobs that list out the various part-time job opportunities available for you.
Let’s look at some of the high paying part-time jobs in Canada that you may want to consider.
Web Designer
Becoming a web designer is an excellent way of starting a part-time job to earn extra money. Bring your creative skills together, create a portfolio that can easily attract the clients, and associate with different small and medium-size companies who need designers to develop a new website or work on the exiting websites. Usually, web designers get paid somewhere between $20 to $150 per hour.
Office Professional
Some companies do not want to invest resources in human capital and instead prefer outsourcing their office administration works. If you have a flair knowledge of accounting or if you are good at recruiting new talents, becoming a part-time office professional could be a great option. Depending on the skills required for the job, a part-time office worker gets paid anything above $25 up to $60 per hour.
Business Consulting
If you are specialized in business consultation or have graduated from a top- university, you can make a high income by doing consultation work to small and medium businesses. This job can pay you as high as $150-$300 for an hour’s consultation.
Due to the ever-growing internet activity and the expansion of the digital world that has made access to the professionals extremely easy, hiring individuals for business consultation has become a new trend.
Dog Walker
It is an exciting part-time job opportunity, especially for animal lovers. You could make around $15-$75 per hour by taking adorable pet dogs on a walk in the neighborhood area. This job can provide you good exercise, some fresh air and loads of fun along with an extra income.
Working as a bartender is another lucrative job opportunity for those who want to make additional earning. Some bartenders are earning around $1000 by working for three nights in a week. However, a bartender’s work could be long and tiring. With a training and Servsafe certification, your earning potential in this job increases to a great extent.