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Bad news for legal immigrants- USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants

USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants

Bad news for legal immigrants- USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants

Trump administration is getting more and more strict regarding immigration, now the guidelines are released for legal immigrant’s deportation which will give the USCIS more power to release the Notices to Appear (NTA). USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants whose petition for the benefits related to immigration being turned down.

USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants
Bad news for legal immigrants- USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants

USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants- Freedom to Release Notice to Show in front of Immigration Court

NTAs are the initiation of deportation process for which the power is given to USCIS. USCIS will give the notices to immigrants whose petition for the benefits related to immigration being turned down and the presence of the immigrants become unlawful at that very moment. Now the immigrant won’t get any chance to re-file the petition for the immigration benefits.

Following visas when turned down will call the Notices to Appear (NTAs)-

With effect from 19 Nov following visas when turned down will call for the Notices to Appear (NTAs)-

Do the immigrants stand any chance to Re-Appeal the decision of USCIS?

According to Michael Bars spokesman for USCIS immigrants under above-mentioned visas category should leave the country if declared unlawfully present in the country. Because the notices are only sent when the requirements for the visas are not met properly.

He further added that the immigrant can Re-Appeal the decision of USCIS regarding sending the NTAs when the application regarding the benefits of immigration being turned down by the officers.

Application related to Employment petitions are spared from this policy right now-  

For the petitions related to employment are spared from this policy but the main concern is the cases related to criminal charges and the other above mentioned one.

The range of the policy will also include the immigrants who have somehow violate any rules related to Public Benefits. The rule violation will be considered from 1 Oct and NTAs will be issued if USCIS found any discrepancies.

All the Harassment is done giving an Excuse -Safeguarding the Public safety-

To manage the Public Safety is always the justification given for such policies by the Government. This time is no different but the main aim of the Government is to reduce the number of immigrants from the country.

Giving all its support to the policy L.Francis Cissna, Director of USCIS said that the power that is USCIS now has more power to deport to the immigrants given now is well needed to safeguard the public safety and punishing those who are trying to exploit the system in any form.

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