Canadian Study Permit is getting refused? – Here is the solution to it

Canadian Study Permit is getting refused? - Here is the solution to it
Among the students, Canada is the most trusted place where they can come to study and explore the opportunities. Getting a student visa is not a rocket science but sometimes when you didn’t fulfill the eligibility criterion or your documents are not proper then it can also get rejected. But there is no need to worry about every problem there is a solution. So are you one of those whose Canadian Study Permit is getting refused? – Here is the solution to it.

Reasons for the rejection of Study Visa and how you can avoid your application of study visa from getting rejected-
There could be hundreds of reason of the denial of Visa but few are listed below
- Your documents related to the financial background is not too strong that it will ensure the immigrating officer that you are capable of sustaining yourself in Canada. To avoid this give definite proofs of your financial condition.
- The immigration officer is not convinced with your intentions of leaving Canada after the completion of your course. To avoid this you can attach the documents showing your property and permanent home and business back in your home country.
- Selection of the study course which is not in compliance with your field in your country. For example, you are a science student in your country but you have applied for the graphics course in Canada. To avoid this apply for the course related to your field of study or otherwise mention the link between the two.
- Your application will go through the credibility test with the university you have been selected for. But sometimes colleges falsely enroll the student for the sake of money, which results in the rejection of the application. To avoid this make sure you apply for only government approved colleges.
- The application can also get rejected if you want to take your whole family with you and you fail to provide enough documents to show your link to the home country. you can take your family while you are on study visa but with the valid proof of coming back.
Now what you can do after your Study Visa application has got rejected?
As the idiom goes to every problem there is a possible solution. Here the solution varies depending upon the reason of rejection and your circumstances but most of the cases get approved when resubmitted after analyzing the cause of the rejection.
Resubmitting the application with the corrected documents-
Refilling your application is the solution which every consultant and online help will recommend you. For this first analyze your application and the refusal reason where the immigration officer finds the need of more. Follow the procedure and the steps carefully for filling the application for the study visa.
Appealing Your Study Permit Refusal- Challenge the immigration officer’s decision
The possibility of the approval of the study visa is very less in this case unless the immigration officer unknowingly has made a mistake. In this case, you take the case to the federal court against the decision of the immigration officer. This may consume your time and money and still results not in your favor. Have a valid reason for appealing the study visa.
What Happens Once Your Study Permit is Approved?
After the approval contact and apply at the embassy and then they will issue you the study visa. The study visa is valid for the specific period of time depending upon the course of your study, after that, you have to come back to your home country. Then it is the turn of entry permit which will be issued to you at the time you enter the Canada port. Depending on your application you will be issued multiple or single entry permit. Most of the cases get approved on the resubmission so don’t worry if your study visa gets refused.