Delay in the processing of Immigration Application – Why immigration Application of some applicants take longer time to process?

Delay in the processing of Immigration Application - Why immigration Application of some applicants take longer time to process?
Over the past few decades, mankind has witnessed a lot of drastic changes in the global environment. These environmental changes mainly include the changed international relations, changing human ideologies, radicalization of perverse groups of people in the form of terrorism, changing cornerstones of the society, etc. As a result, different parts of the world have been consistently facing some or the other issues and challenges.

Common issues that delay in Processing of Immigration Application
These problems are mostly connected to the regional background of the country and the relationship of the country with its surrounding countries. If the region is characterized by constant conflicts over various issues, between the neighboring countries, then there exists a hostile atmosphere of unrest among the people of these countries. Apart from such neighbor country conflicts, there is also another prominent factor disturbing the world peace, and that is terrorism. Terrorists have attacked many different countries in varying intensities over the past few decades creating an atmosphere of fear across the globe.
How is the citizenship permission affected?
As a result of such problems like terrorism, cross-border conflicts between neighbor countries, etc. the citizens of the affected countries undergo a lot of distress, fear of death and everlasting insecurity. All this forces the victimized people to resort to immigration.But unfortunately many of these prospective immigrants face Delay in the processing of Immigration Application.
So let us take a closer look at the few reasons why there is a delay in the immigration process of some people.
The Immigration Application Process and Possible Reasons for Delay
The Immigration Application process differs from country to country. But a basic similarity can be observed in the Immigration application of many countries. There is a single or multiple forms which need to be filled with your accurate personal information, affixing your appropriate visible recent picture, furnishing required documents, using a computer instead of handwriting the forms, and ensuring that the forms are duly signed by you. After form filling and document submission, you need to have a passport with a visa pertaining to your purpose of stay in the host country. To obtain the visa at the earliest, you have to submit the cover letter consisting of the details of your purpose of stay, along with your filled form. This cover letter will be checked by the visa officer and thus you get the visa.
Following are some possible reasons for Delay in the processing of Immigration Application :
• Furnishing either wrong or fake documents instead of the documents demanded for. While wrong documents can be corrected by submitting the correct ones, fake documents just for purpose of getting immigrated is a punishable crime in many countries.
• Inappropriate information provided in the answers to the questions asked in the immigration application forms. You must therefore fill in all the details carefully andcross check them before submitting the forms.
• Silly mistakes like missing signature or pasting old photos in which you are unrecognizable. It is obviously common sense that any document is valid only if its signed, therefore signing your form is very important and the photo must be a latest one to avoid the DelayintheprocessingofImmigrationApplication.
• Not providing a cover letter with your application form will leave the visa officer clueless about your purpose of stay in the host country and thus you might not get a visa early thereby adding to the delay in the process.
• Writing the form with your hands instead of using a computer will reduce the understandability quotient of the details mentioned byyouand this might further prolong the immigration procedure.
• Also if you have a certain criminal record history and the specifics of its clearance have not been properly mentioned in your application details, it will not only delay your application form process, but might also make you ineligible to immigrate anywhere.