The Day Immigration Agents raised an office for Illegal Immigrants- Story in Pictures- Must Watch

More than 350 Illegal Immigrants were arrested in Raid- Photo Courtesy Google Random Image
Disclaimer- This is true story of an Immigrant (name with held on her request) as narrated to our team.
When ICE Officials raided our Company for Illegal Immigrants
I was working in very inhuman conditions but yet I was very happy as I was able to get some savings to be sent back home. I was unemployed in my home country in India and needed money
With the help of an agent in India, I landed in US on Visitor Visa
Thereafter I joined a Job in an office at about one third of salary a Gora would take.
One day, team of Immigration enforcement agents, numbering about 300, raided the office.

Click Next Page- More than 350 People Detained in ICE Raid
Absolute State of Panic as they Started Arresting Illegal Immigrants in biggest ever raid by ICE
As the agents raided the office, people started to hide wherever they could including in stores, behind cupboards, or wherever they could.
Those who were lucky could escape from building and enter nearby shopping mall and few could signal a taxi to stop and escape
The agents took about 361 people in custody

Next Page- Police Dogs detected Me
Raid was based on Some Insider Information about Illegal Immigrants
The raid was based on some insider information that company has employed illegal workers and was paying them lesser than minimum salary.
The Raid was largest ever known in USA and about 150 workers as caught were deported. I could hide under a table, could not be detected for about 6 hours before I was detected by Dog squad of ICE officials. Had it not for dogs, I could have gone undetected

Next Page- Young Children separated from Parents
150 Detainees were deported, Children of the Immigrants separated from Parents
I was arrested and detained. I was released after few hours after a radio collar was put on my ankle
Out of the 361 workers arrested, 150 were deported
There were stories of horror all around. Some of the immigrants could not send their children to school for weeks fearing further raids.
In one case, a lady was detained for three days by ICE and her child ran high fever, was dehydrated. Local authorities claimed that they took best care of the children but probably their best was not enough

Next Page- My Case was Spoiled by Immature Immigration Consultant
Immature Immigration Consultant Spoiled my Case
All this happened that as I landed in USA, I could not get my visa extended and an authorized self styled immigration consultant advised me to stay put and promised he would get me visa extended and also the immigration to USA.

Next- Happily Settled in USA Now
Happily Settled in USA as I got Immigration in USA
Today I am happily settled in USA with all the memories behind me. I have also got my own house
My advise to all Immigrants willing to immigrate to USA or Canada is to get in touch with expert attorney and then plan their immigration

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