Temporary Resident Visa and Visa Renewal Process after Expiry Date

Summary: The temporary residents in Canada are the visitors, foreign workers or students residing for a particular time period on the strength of a Canadian visa.
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Temporary Resident Visa
This visa does not provide the right to work and the permit is highly dependent on the foreign country’s origin. Although the acknowledgement of Temporary Resident Visa expiry date is must, the residents with expired visa can stay in the nation for a certain period though they need to follow certain procedures available to extend their Canada stay on both permanent as well as temporary basis.
Even after the expiry of Temporary Resident Visa i.e. 180 days of stay, the temporary resident needs to apply for an implied status that lasts in anticipation of Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) grants new application permit. To maintain the implied status, during the processing period of renewal the temporary resident needs to stay in Canada otherwise the entire process get cancelled and needs to apply for a new Temporary Resident Visa.
Renewal of Visa
The foreign national resident needs to apply with all legal formulation to extend the time period of the expiry and will be granted a stay until decisions are made under section 183(5) of Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulation. Failing to make an extension of the temporary residents will have to give away the status and may be subsequently asked for restoration. The renewal of Temporary Resident Visa passed through several legal steps, which are elaborated in below.
Renewal Step 1
In this step, all the necessary documents including the fee need to be submitted to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville (CPC-V).
Renewal Step 2
In Step 2, the applicant’s eligibility for renewal is evaluated and accordingly provided an extension, which is to be mailed with all the necessary conditions. In case the applicant is unable to satisfy the eligibility criteria for restoration, then a deciding factor by the minister needs to be considered.
Renewal Step 3
Step 3 includes the interview session conducted by an inland officer, wherein the application gets refusal or approval. In case of approval, the visitor is issued with conditions to stay otherwise the visitor or the applicant might be asked to leave.
Renewal Step 4
Step 4 is the final step, wherein the decision is taken in the Global Case Management/Field Operations Support System.