Skills Shortage in New Zealand

Skills Shortage in New Zealand
New Zealand, 23rd August: There is acute skills shortage in New Zealand.
Yes, so, if you want to move to New Zealand for working there, its the right time.
Skills shortage in New Zealand—There is severe skills shortage in New Zealand. Employers are struggling to find candidates for existing job positions in New Zealand. Skills shortage in New Zealand is in many trades. And its getting worse even as the nation is entering into an unprecedented building boom.
As per 2015 Immigration New Zealand(INZ) data, nearly one third of occupations on the long-term Skills Shortage List include services and trade. By the year 2020, there is going to be a high demand for jobs due to industry growth and replacement demand in all sectors.
There are hundreds of new roles to opt for from long-term job prospects for youngsters ready to work and learn in New Zealand.
Hundreds of thousands of New Zealand job openings—In the next four years, there will be hundreds of thousands of New Zealand job openings. So, New Zealand needs applicants for jobs to fill vacant job positions.
“Skills Shortage in New Zealand is looming with thousands of new job openings waiting to be filled. “
If the positions are not filled by New Zealanders, then New Zealand will need immigrants having skills and experience to work in New Zealand. Details show that there will be nearly 64,000 construction and building job positions by the year 2020.
In addition, there will be thousands of new jobs in forestry, engineering, hospitality, trades, transport and several other areas. So, New Zealand will require 17,500 new aged care workers, 107,000 retail workers and 40,000 manufacturing workers in the four years. It is a clear message that New Zealand has lots of opportunities for young people willing to work in New Zealand.
New Zealand needs extra workers by 2020—New Zealand needs following number of extra workers by 2020. They are as follows—
- Aged care—17,500
- Accommodation—11,800
- Automotive—11,200
- Building and construction 64,000
- Civil 19,600
- Electrotechnology 11,300
- Hairdressing 2,700
- Manufacturing 40,000
- Mechanical Engineering 5,400
- Plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying 7,800
- Retail 107,000
- Resource recovery 2,800
- Roofing and scaffolding 6,800