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What upsets white people due to immigrations?

Immigration today has become the most talked about issue, as people struggle with claims and counter claims about how the society is changing. Time has come when there is a need to take back some sense of control of the borders of the country as well the life of people. However, white people have reaped many benefits by welcoming skilled immigrants but people across the country also faced everyday worries about the security of their jobs, school places etc. With the increase in the number of foreigners in the country, rape’s have gone up, deaths, and crime rate all are gone up.

Americans are well known for having a positive attitude towards life but as the countdown for November presidential elections is now under way, it is suggested by the polls that voters are angry.  The CNN/ORC polls carried out in December 2015 suggest that 69% of Americans are angry about the way things are going in US. And the same 69% of the population is angry because they feel that the political system is working only for the insiders with money and power, according to the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll from November.

Since 1965 nearby 59 million immigrants have arrived in the US, not all of them have entered the country legally. According to a new Research, forty years ago 84% of the American population was made up of non-Hispanic white people but by last year the figure has changed to 62%. Currently, there are 11.3 million illegal immigrants in America, which has become a source of anger for the migrants. An immigration expert at the University of Southern California says that “There is a displacement of anxiety and they become the face of larger sources of tensions, such as terrorism, jobs, and dissatisfaction.”

Large Scale Immigration from Asian Countries make US native feel threatened

Natives want their Country BackA recent study by Kaiser Family Foundation says that a large number of white Americans feel that illegal immigration has hurt their job prospects. These white people are angry with their changing neighborhoods and change in the social patterns. They often demand that they want their country back. These people are tired of seeing welfare doled out to people who are not even the citizens of America. The white people believe that they are being oppressed economically and feel that nobody is looking out for them. They are angry because terrorism cannot be thrown out of their country.

Unrestricted flow of Immigrants and most immigrants insisting on staying in selected areas only has resulted in clear change in social patterns. Immigrants willing to settle for lower wages has led to Job Losses among the natives

It has been an era of huge demographic, racial, religious, cultural and generational change. While some of Americans are celebrating these changes, others deplore them. Some white people, who have grown old now, do not even recognize the country they have grown in.

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