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Tougher UK Immigration Rules Driving Families Apart

United Kingdom, 15th September: Tougher UK immigration rules are driving British children apart from their parents.

It has been found that thousands of ‘Skype families’ are being created due to tougher UK immigration norms.

Strict UK Immigration rulesTougher UK immigration rules creating Skype families—Discriminatory UK immigration rules announced by UK Home Office are leading to separation of families. Due to tougher rules of UK immigration, one parent is getting barred from staying in the UK. This is creating increased number of ‘Skype families’ of immigrants.

<blockquote> Strict UK immigration rules announced by the UK Home Office have led to creation of thousands of ‘Skype Kids’. </blockquote>

As per the children’s commissioner (Anne Longfield) report, nearly 15,000 UK children are growing up as ‘Skype Children’ since their parents are not allowed by the UK immigration income threshold to stay together in the UK.

Tougher minimum UK income threshold separating families–The report named ‘Family Friendly’ by the JCWI(Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants) and Middlesex University has revealed that thousands of UK families are facing the wrath of the ruling of the UK Home Office.

The UK Home Office has laid down the ruling of a minimum income threshold of £18,600 annually for offering sponsorship to stay in the UK. This ruling was announced and introduced by the UK Home Office in the year 2012.

Stress and anxiety for children—Children who are affected by the tougher minimum income threshold by the UK immigration are suffering from anxiety and stress. This is due to separation from a parent for the children who are UK citizens themselves.

Children raised in a stable, loving and a warm family environment are likely to thrive stressed the Children’s commissioner for English Longfield.

As per the research findings, the minimum income threshold for any Briton citizen for bringing a foreign spouse or a partner to the UK from outside Europe on a UK family visa is unlikely to be fulfilled by nearly half of the adult population. In such a scenario, the UK children have no option but to communicate with one parent through Skype.

That’s because the minimum income threshold is quite high and also smacks of discrimination. UK citizens who have stayed and worked overseas and have already formed relationships overseas are getting penalized and it’s very difficult for such people to get back to the UK, the report findings highlight.

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