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New UK Visa Application Process Requires Police Checks on foreigners

United Kingdom, 20th July: New UK Visa application system will require police checks on foreigners applying for UK visas for investment or business.

Yes, this has been announced by the UK immigration department in a latest move.

Tougher UK Visa Rules For Migrants Tougher UK Visa Rules For Migrants UK Visa crackdown through UK police checks—UK police checks will be carried out on all migrants make applications for a UK visa for setting up a business or for investing in the UK.

As per the details, from now onwards, UK visa rules will require migrants to provide proof of police checks for every nation they have stay in during the period of last 10 years.

<blockquote> UK visa changes will require police checks for migrants making an application for a UK visa for investment or for business purposes. </blockquote>

So, from September 2015, all immigrants shall have to provide proof of having undergone police background checks. In the absence of police background checks, immigrants shall not be allowed to enter the UK.

Background checks for family members travelling along—It needs to be worth notable that any family members travelling with the immigrants shall also have to provide the same proof of having under police background checks in the nation they have lived in the last ten years.

Any failure to do so will lead to rejection of their application for UK visa and not been able to enter the UK. Moreover, if any applicant lies about having undergone police background checks will face a ban from entering the UK for a period of ten years.

As of now, the UK has around 264,000 foreigners who obtained free movement rights by staying in another EU nation despite having been born outside the Europe.

Extension of Tougher UK visa rules for Other UK visa categories soon—In the year 2016, the UK ministers are planning to extend the tougher UK visa rules to several other UK visa categories. This will be done after the first trial phase of the tougher UK visa program gets evaluated.

The UK government wants to crack down on increasing UK immigration levels in the nation to bring UK immigration levels under control. UK immigration minister James Brokenshire has maintained that checks on foreigners going through the UK justice system have gone up by around 1,000 percent.

This is to ensure that UK communities become safe from any foreign offenders.

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