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Canadian Express Entry- decrease in points, increase in invitations

Canadian Express Entry

Eligible candidates have to submit their profiles into this Express Entry pool. In this pool candidates are ranked according to Comprehensive Ranking System points. The Canadian government then selects the candidates who are toppers in CRS. This is done on a priority basis as it performs according to the most frequent draw from the express entry pool. Selected applicants who are issued an invitation to apply have total 60 days in order to submit their complete e-application; at this point the government of Canada begins to process the submitted e- application within six months.

Express Entry

Recent draws from Canadian Express entry pool

The 10th and 11th draws from Express Entry for Canadian immigration eligibility took place in the month of June 2015. CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) points essential for the eligibility of immigration have decreased around 400’s. This is welcome news for all applicants in the entry because previously CRS points were decreased in the 700’s.

Interestingly, the latest or 11th draw from the entry pool was on rank third in which the total number of ITA’s – Invitations to apply for permanent Canadian residence has increased. According to the reports, a relatively greater number of applicants were invited in June month as comparison to any month since March 2015.

The 10th and 11th draws from the pool may be considered as a positive and beneficial development for applicants in the express entry pool who were not issued an invitation to apply for Canadian residence. News of latest or 11th draw from Express Entry pool is welcomed by applicants. Candidates welcomed both recent news in terms of decrease in CRS points and overall Invitations to apply issued, for the core human money factors.  These capital factors may include age, education, language proficiency and work experience.

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