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Caution for US Visa Applicants

United States, 6th May: US Visa applicants are being cautioned not to use any fake documents.

This is being warned due to latest efforts by the US government to ensure the integrity of US visa process.

Fake US Visa PapersUS Visa applicants warned—The US government has warned the applicants for US visas to exercise due care by not submitting fake documents. Any applicant submitting fake documents for US visas shall be liable to be arrested. This has been revealed by a latest press release.

<blockquote> US visa applicants have been warned not to use fake or forged documents for US visas. </blockquote>

Increased use of fake documents for US visas—It has been come to the notice of the US embassies that many applicants for US visas have been using fake or forged documents for getting US visas.

So, the US mission has clearly given a warning to the US visa applicants saying any forgery of documents, possession of fake documents and any conspiracy with regard to creation, use or distribution of fake documents will be considered an offense under the US laws.

Any brokers producing fake documents or any applicants for US visas using fake documents in their US visa interviews shall be liable to get arrested under the US laws.

The US embassy does not make any hesitation in informing the local law enforcement agencies when any US visa applicant commits any offense with regard to use of fake documents.

Dual responsibility of applicant and broker–The US embassy clarified that in case any US visa applicant takes the services of any broker, it is the joint responsibility of both the US visa applicant and the broker for the application’s content as well as the legitimacy of the documents shown at the interview.

Legal prosecution of the applicant found with counterfeit documents cannot be avoided by showing ignorance.

It has been found in increasing instances that many innocent and legitimate travellers to the US who trust any unscrupulous broker are being refused a US visa and face arrests due to misuse of US laws without any fault of their own. But legal prosecution cannot be avoided by any applicant by claiming ignorance.

Hence, the US visa aspirants are being advised not to use the services of any broker for improving their chances of getting a US visa. That’s because brokers do not have any influence over the US visa process, the US Embassy has clarified.

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