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California’s Bill for Approval of U Visa for Immigrants

United States, 30th April: California’s victims of crime who are undocumented immigrants shall be offered U visas.

This will be possible through a latest bill by California for grant of U visas to undocumented immigrants helping nab the culprits.

California’s new bill to gU Visas for California Undocumented Immigrantsrant U visas--From now onwards, U visas shall be granted to undocumented immigrants in California who help the law officials catch the guilty. This will be possible through a new law by California seeking special U visas for such undocumented immigrants in the state.

<blockquote> The US state California will be granting special U visas to undocumented immigrants helping in catching the guilty. </blockquote>

This has been announced by the US government in a latest step. So, the special US visas named U visas will be for helping undocumented immigrants. This will be possible irrespective of the state of the US where the crime took place.

Who can apply for U Visa? –Well, to be able to get a U visa, the victim(undocumented immigrant) needs to seek the authority of the local law enforcement for verification of their cooperation before applying.

What is a U visa?—To make things clear, the U visa enables the recipient to live as well as work in the US for a maximum period of four years. So, the local law enforcement agencies will be required to sign off on US U visas in case the investigation help has been provided by the victims.

Aim of U visas is to allow immigrants make report of crimes without facing any fear of getting deported from the US. It further needs to be notable in this regard that U visas can be federal. However, they will need local certification with regard to the fact that the victims have provided help with investigations of the incidents.

Denial of U visas–It is being said by many immigrant rights groups in US state California that U visas will not be signed often by the law enforcement agencies. It has been come to the notice that denial of U visas is not an uncommon thing.

Many undocumented immigrants have been denied U visas in the past. This is despite of offering help to the authorities by the immigrants.

Immigrants living unlawfully in the US get protection apart from staying in the US legally for four years. And they can also work in the US during that period.

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