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Younger Canada Immigrants Face Higher Risk of IBD

Canada, 12th March: Younger Immigrants in Canada face higher risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease.

Higher IBD Risk for Younger Canada ImmigrantsYounger Canada immigrants are at a higher risk of getting inflammatory bowel disease, findings of a new study maintain.

Higher risk of IBD for younger Canada immigrants—Findings of a recent study indicate that young immigrants to Canada face a higher risk of having inflammatory bowel disease. The research by the ICES(Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences) and CHEO(Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario) says that children immigrating to Canada take the risk level faced by Canada children.

Also, the greater is the risk of getting IBD for the children arriving in Canada at a younger age. In addition, apart from IBD, the risk is also for subtypes including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It may be worth mentioned that Canada happens to be having highest rates of IBD in the world.

<blockquote> Canada immigrants face higher risk of developing IBD after coming to Canada at a younger age. </blockquote>

Lower IBD rates among immigrants to Canada—Immigrants to Canada have a comparatively lower rate of IBD as compared to Canada-born counterparts. It is quite clear by the study findings that the risk increases in immigrants who come to Canada at a younger age.

Immigrants’ children born in Canada have an increased risk of getting IBD especially from some regions. Children of immigrants hailing from South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East have a similar risk of getting IBD as the children of non-immigrants. Meanwhile, parents of immigrant children are at lower risk of IBD, the study findings affirm.

The risk increases by 14 percent for each younger decade of life at immigration. Meanwhile, the risk of getting IBD is lower among children of immigrants from Eastern Europe, Latin America, Caribbean, Central Asia and East Asia as compared to the children of non-immigrant parents.

Early exposure to Canada environment bad for immigrants—So, the study findings simply mean to convey that for immigrants, an early exposure to Canada environment from some regions increases the risk of IBD. This was revealed by an adjunct scientist with ICES and pediatric gastroenterologist at CHEO, Dr. Eric Benchimol.

Environment has an important role to play in development of IBD.

IBD happens to be a disease of Westernized countries having high rates in Europe and North America. Asia, South America and Africa have low rates. There has been an increased prevalence in Eastern Europe in the recent years and are going up in several other nations due to Western lifestyle.

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