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Marrying A Canadian Citizen Is The Best Way For Making The Immigration Process Simple And Effective:

Getting immigration to Canada is a difficult task and the main reason for this situation is the huge rush of immigrants from different parts of the world. There are lots of methods for applying for immigration to Canada such as for studying purpose, job purpose etc. But today all these methods became very much tuff to access and the only easy way to get immigration to Canada is marrying a Canadian citizen or permanent resident is one of the fastest, and many times is the only way for otherwise ineligible immigrants to enter Canada.

If a person from any region of the world married a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada then that person will also become a permanent resident of Canada. This is an effective method most of the people staying in Canada in student visa and such other limited period visa started marrying Canadian citizens for making their life secure in Canada.

This also created problems to the Canadian government as the number of immigrants making use of such method is increasing day by day. Another problem relating to this subject is the existence of certain fraud agencies, which provide immigration facilities for different candidates from different parts of the world. Such fraud agencies will provide all sorts of duplicate certificates for marrying a Canadian citizen and make all immigration processes clear. To combat marriage fraud, the department has now deployed ‘clandestine’ teams in foreign countries. In addition, visa officers are receiving training to ask ‘better questions’ of apparent couples.

Visa officials are now being trained to ask better questions of couples requesting a life together in Canada. The minister is expected to announce further improvements this fall. Canadian immigration had become very much strict in dealing with its immigration and even a single mistake will reject his or her candidate ship for immigration. Current law allows Canadians to sponsor a spouse for quick entry into Canada, but Mr. Gill’s group wants Canadians to lose this privilege for seven years if they are found to have attempted marriages of convenience. It wants a similar ban to apply to foreigners who try to fraudulently marry a Canadian.

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