How to Check if the Canadian Job Offered to you is Fake/ Scam?

Growing economy has definitely generated more varied employment opportunities and careers. But all coins are two-faced. With a rise in job variety, there is an increase in a number of job seekers too and the fake job availability. Job Scams and Scammers are on a rise in the market and of course, is a very profitable employment too. How to Check if the Canadian Job Offered to you is Fake/ Scam and know the some simple tips to save time and money.
Job scams
A fraudulent job offer from a scammer who may portray as an entrepreneur, recruiter or a company executive especially appointed as an employer is called a job scam. Offers that are very attractive on the face and seem like a dream come true opportunity is probably the employment scam trick aiming at your hard earned money. It can be a little tricky to actually understand the profit motive of the scammer and spot it right away.
How to Check if the Canadian Job Offered to you is Fake/ Scam?
Immigrating to Canada on Job basis- Spot a job scam
No matter how appealing a job offer may be sometimes something feels out of place like a missing puzzle piece. Always try and investigate for such warning signs.
Unsolicited offers: Opportunities knock at the door once but always come with tests. There is nothing like a guaranteed job offer and income. If the employer seems to be more interested in working with the applicant then it’s surely a trap.
Work experience: Almost all jobs require some work experience criteria. Scammers generally make target by making it seem so easy as if no experience is required.
No interviews: Alas! What better than this! Which reputed company hires executives without interviewing? Think before you dive in.
Cost and fees: There are no employers who ask for money from applicants for hiring them. Employees do not require to pay any cost for the job they are being offered.
High Salary: Highly paid jobs require a lot of expertise, diligence, and dedication. Offering a high salary or comparatively more than what a job profile actually calls for is a major warning to dig in more information about the employer and the company.
Security information: Personal security details are your security codes that need not be shared under any circumstances. Employers will never ask for such details.
Canadian Job Offer- Scam investigation
Read between the lines: Always scrutinize a job advertisement and read through carefully. Beautifully written matter but without any specific job details should end with a big question mark. Also, notice the criteria for eligibility for an applicant. Everything in the matter should fall in place. The matter should be free of grammatical errors as reputed companies don’t make such mistakes.
Google: yes! The safest way to investigate is open several sites of the same company and tally details and contact information. Flipping through websites and pages compare the details provided in the ad in hand. Free email accounts also pose a scam threat as employers communicate through a corporate account in most of the possible cases. URL search is also one of the options available to spot a fake website address.
Job seekers mainly from overseas are being targeted and offered exciting salaries and other benefits.
Canadian Job offers are really promising and can prove to be a benchmark of a successful career. What is required is to identify whether it is a genuine opportunity or a fake one.